It has been more than six months since we started our mission project to help First Southern Baptist Church of Hinunangan. Our goal is to train leaders, and impart Church Growth Development lessons and Bible Study leading training. This is to enable the Church to continue existing as a Church even if their pastor goes back to US.

We conducted several Bible Study leading training so as Church management. We also taught them how important it is to upgrade some of their programs to adapt to the need of the people they are serving. For a long time, this Church has not intentionally share the gospel, so as baptism.


It has been our fervent prayers that this will change. Now after 6 months of helping and ministering in this area despite the fact that we are only there 4 times so far, today, we finally baptized 7 people. Six of them are new believers who were intentionally shared the gospel, discipled and taught how important baptism is.

It was really a joyful and victorious day for all of us. Here we have proved that God’s power is a lot greater than the powers of this world. And if only we allow ourselves to be used by God in His ministry, nothing will be impossible.

Congratulations FSBC of Hinunangan. May you continue to grow in the Lord.